ONHP congratulates their colleagues, students of Omsk universities, who have been simultaneously working in ONHP part-time and getting higher education in city universities, with successful graduation and obtaining Bachelor’s, Master’s and Specialist’s degrees. This year 21 out of 22 student received “diplomas with honors”. These graduates are ONHP pride. While being university students, they actively participated in the implementation of the most complex projects performed by ONHP.

In the framework of “School-University-Company” program aimed at training highly skilled engineers the company cooperates with five universities that provide higher education for future specialists in various areas of ONHP activity. Moreover, Omsk State University, Omsk State Technical University and Siberian State Automobile and Highway University have specialized departments supported by ONHP which prepare students for Master’s degrees. Every year, Inter-Disciplines Engineering Department employs about 20 senior students from universities with Bachelor’s and Master’s degree to participate in implementation of the complex projects under the guidance of experienced supervisors.  

This year, 22 students from the ones working in ONHP successfully completed their studies and received Bachelor’s, Master’s and Specialist’s diplomas. It should also be noted that all of them are “diplomas with honors”.

According to graduates, when you work and study at the same time, you start to treat the subjects differently with certain awareness and responsibility. You understand that what you failed to study or learn today can lead to serious design errors tomorrow. “ONHP performs the most complicated facilities for petrochemical complexes in Russia and abroad, and today we are fully aware that our mistakes can cost lives for thousands of people”, –highlight the students.


It shall also be added that one third part of these graduates have seen the participants of “School-University-Company” program since their childhood.

17 July 2018