Omsk residents choose ONHP-Chance

Approximately one thousand Omsk residents applied for participation in ONHP-CHANCE creative contest held by the company in the lead-up to the 300th Anniversary of Omsk. The applicants include schoolchildren, students of secondary and higher education institutions, tutors, people of other professions and various ages.

ONHP announced the beginning of the contest a month ago. During that period, almost one thousand applications were submitted to the arranging party. Assignments for the contestants are already available on the company’s web-site: Creative output will be accepted until late march. It is up to the participants to choose one or a few of seven categories. Contest entries can be of any format and genre: such as pictures, songs, poetry, handicrafts, land improvement projects etc. Key element is that they must express the contest’s idea: the 300th anniversary of Omsk, which means that competent jury expects works associated with this significant date in the history of our native city.

ONHP is holding ONHP-CHANCE for the 12th time. Over that entire period approximately 20 thousand Omsk residents participated in the contest.

14 March 2016