Offshore Platforms Course Proceeds

The first month of English Express Course for ONHP employees “Offshore Platforms” aimed at the study of specific offshore technologies is completed.

ONHP specialists who participated in Offshore Platforms course shared their opinions on the usefulness of such classes:

-ONHP employees have very responsible approach to their English language skills. Some specialists take additional classes to study foreign language outside of ONHP, others, like I do, study English in-house. New Offshore Platforms express-course helps expand your vocabulary, in particular related to offshore platforms design and to raise the level of English proficiency in general - said O.Yu. Brueva (Ecological and Water Systems Engineering Department).  

If you are fluent in specific vocabulary, you can easily communicate with foreign partners and perform Offshore Platforms design using technical English literature, reports E.V. Sheina (Process Engineering Department).

A.S. Laptev (Mechanical Engineering Department) shares his opinion:
-Offshore Platforms Course boosts English language skills and enables to discuss offshore platforms with foreign companies without any difficulties.

Offshore Platforms Course aimed at enriching knowledge of terms for offshore projects continues. More than 50 ONHP employees will participate in the training under this program. 

20 March 2015