Master Classes For Chief Executives by ONHP Regional Training Centre

Since 2014 once PAO OMSKNEFTEKHIMPROEKT obtained a license for educational activities the company opened a new structural subdivision - ONHP Regional Training Centre. This training center included as follows: Corporate University arranged for continuous training of ONHP personnel and ONHP-based faculties in universities. Currently ONHP department heads undergo training in the Corporate University under modular program "Basic competences of the Leader".
Classes are conducted by ONHP department heads and leading professors of the Russian universities: Mr. V.S. Polovinko, Doctor of Economics, Chairperson of Economics and Labour Sociology department (OmSU n.a. F.M. Dostoevsky), Ms. G.E. Chernobaeva, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor of Innovation and Project Management department (OmSU n.a. F.M. Dostoevsky), Mr. D.N. Korotaev, Doctor of Engineering, Professor of Economics and Project Management in Transport Construction department (SibADI) and others. 

20 July 2015