Participants of ONHP-KIDS Project Discovered “Chemical Lab”

On July 12, 2014 young chemistry-lovers participated in ONHP Young Engineer Chemistry Lab master-class.

Having studied rules of conduct in Chemical Lab, the children being guided by adults, carried out several experiments.

“Transformation miracles” followed one another demonstrating various chemical reactions accompanied by a chorus of loud laughter and applauses of ONHP-KIDS participants.

In front of amazed “chemists” the substances changed their color, liquids foamed, images and inscriptions appeared on the surfaces. An experiment called “Color explosion in the milk” amazed the kids most of all. Moreover, young researchers tried themselves as spies and wrote secret messages in invisible ink.

In the course of the discussion with master-class moderators on the nature of such “miracles”, the children “discovered” some chemistry laws. They learnt new chemical devices, properties of physical bodies and chemical reactions which surround us in daily life.

Now, having studied the miracles that the person can do by himself, ONHP-KIDS participants are looking forward to new ONHP Young Engineer Chemistry Lab master-class as well as chemistry lessons at school!
