New Horizons – New Brand

In compliance with the Resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders the Articles of Association (Charter) was amended, including amendments regarding the name of the company.

According to the new version of the Articles of Association (Charter) full trade name of the company in Russian is as follows: Публичное акционерное общество «ОНХП», short trade name of the company in Russian is as follows: ПАО «ОНХП»; full trade name of the company in English is as follows: PAO ONHP, short trade name of the company in English is as follows: ONHP.

We, ONHP, draw attention of all concerned persons, companies and mass media representatives to the changes and we kindly ask all above stakeholders to take these changes into account within further activities and communications.

Since its Foundation Day (February 17, 1953) the Company has come through several development phases of paramount significance and each such large-scale phase introduced its own changes. Renaming is aligned with company improvement, types of activities restructuring which is related to new markets exploration, strategic re-launch. We look forward into the future and at the same time we have our history in honor. We keep all ONHP best when exploring new horizons and remaining engineering flagship, – said Mr. Igor M. ZUGA, ONHP CEO, commenting on the changes. 




27 Јanuar 2017