The programme of professional adaptation for young specialists

The professional development also continues after graduation from the university, so young engineers can broaden their outlook and acquire new experiences, learn all the professional secrets of the project engineer’s job. For this purpose, the Institute offers a two-year programme of professional adaptation for young specialists. Each participant gets an experienced supervisor to work with and mentor them. This programme can guarantee an enterprise that each young specialist studied the Federal Laws, the All-Union State Standards and the Construction Norms and Rules related to his or her expertise field; the specialist also learns the method of calculation applied to his or her specialisation field, discovers design techniques, completes the training and applies the established software to his or her work, becomes familiar with the ISO 9001:2000 international quality management system and other regulatory documents. As a result of this work, we can recognize the most prepared, active, and talented engineers, and for young specialists it becomes their first chance to receive a career promotion. Young specialists of the enterprise are united in the organization headed by the Board of Young Specialists. The board consists of those who instruct school students, undertaking the career guidance internship in our institute. We can realign the career guidance internship programme and school curricula with their help.