In compliance with executed local government contract before the 2017 is out ONHP Research & Engineering Center for Terrestrial and Maritime Spatial Planning Development (R&EC for TMSPD) shall elaborate master plot plan, land use and development regulations for Pevek urban district.

One of the main tasks standing before ONHP R&EC for TMSPD specialists is to create conditions increasing investment attractiveness level of urban district territory and as Mr. Roman Kopin, Chukotka governor, mentioned in one of interviews “to create in Pevek the most comfortable and propitious environment”. Also as explained by Mr. Roman Kopin “it is highly important to provide coherence between strategic planning and urban planning documentation solutions.”

Since 2014 when R&EC for TMSPD became ONHP subdivision the specialists executed a wide range of urban-planning substantiations, site designs, area demarcation plans, land use and development regulations, land use planning scheme, and master plot plans in nine Russian constituents, such as the Republic of Bashkortostan, Arkhangelsk, Leningrad (Saint-Petersburg) Murmansk, Omsk and other regions. Pevek master plot plan development is one of the most challenging works to be executed by ONHP R&EC for TMSPD due to Pevek special status and location.  

Pevek, a city in Chukotka Autonomous District, is considered to be the most northern city of Russia. And since Arctic Lands and Northeast Passage development are in the spotlight of Russian Government, specialists anticipate prosperous future of this area.

Having survived hard times, city economy entered new stage of development. Onshore facilities and hydraulic structures construction for the first in the world floating atomic power station expected to be start-up in 2019 is well under way. One of 46 airports of federal importance is located in Pevek. Reconstruction of Pevek sea port, one of Northeast Passage key ports was commenced last year. With a status of Free Port (a port area under a special custom and taxation system, with a particular jurisdiction regarding investments) the city expects an influx of investors.  

It is believed that Pevek is a flourishing city with high potential.  And such major projects as floating atomic power station and exploitation of copper and gold deposits to be executed in the nearest future will lead to significant population growth therefore causing demands in more comfortable living conditions which will be satisfied by specialists from ONHP Research & Engineering Center for Terrestrial and Maritime Spatial Planning Development. 



10 July 2017