Children thanked ONHP

ONHP received a letter of gratitude from Ms. Natalia Prozorova, Head of Kindergarten No. 283. On behalf of children, teachers and parents she thanked the company specialists for their help and support.

A few years ago ONHP young specialists decided to take the kindergarten under patronage and to clean and improve the territory adjacent to the pre-school institution. This is how ONHP and the kindergarten have become friends. Since then, the company representatives take part in every neighbourhood clean-up of the kindergarten. ONHP specialists are very enthusiastic in their work which every time results in brightly colored playgrounds, repaired swings and sports facilities, improved pathways and neatly shaped trees. ONHP engineers say it is pleasant to look at these results from the sidelines, but seeing joyful children is even more pleasant.

25 February 2016